Friday, September 7, 2007

My first blog on technical stuff..

Ok, so am inspired by my managers in the US to start a blog on technical stuff,which is mostly on the work I do. There are some excellent blogs on the kind of work I do i.e Application Express(APEX) at Oracle and mine only serve as a 'nothing' at the moment. It is more intended to record some interesting things I come across in my work life, things that I want to keep track of for the future perhaps,or some events happening in my technical community and the like. I shall endeavour to do my best here, no promises though!!


अवनीश एस तिवारी said...

technologically challenged gramatically incorrect programmatically inefficient goofy blogger...

:) :) :)


Unknown said...

Hey, how r u? Its Ranjani..u left without any details..send in ur info..